James Blish
By the Author
The Issue At Hand
For several years, hiding under a cloak of anonymity, the most penetrating critic of the field of magazine science fiction was known as 'William Atheling,…
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More Issues At Hand
James Blish, in his incarnation as 'William Atheling, Jr' has written more than his share of the most incisive criticism of contemporary science fiction. Following…
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The Tale That Wags The God
When James Blish died in 1975 he was one of the top science fiction writers. in addition, he was perhaps the leading technical critic in…
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James Blish SF Gateway Omnibus
Best known for his Hugo Award-winning classic A Case of Conscience, Blish was one of the first serious SF writers to involve themselves with tie-in…
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Mission to the Heart Stars
Past worlds almost too strange to describe, three men hurtle into the dark uncharted mystery of space. Their task: to make contact with the Hegemony…
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Doctor Mirabilis
This is the strange, compelling story of Roger Bacon. Ambitious, impatient, mutinous, Bacon was a man of his times with a vision reaching far beyond…
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The Star Dwellers
The inhabitants of Terra nicknamed them "Angels". They were exquisitely beautiful, these shimmering, fiery creatures , highly intelligent and playful. Yet they were awesome, too,…
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And All The Stars A Stage
There are too many men in a world governed by women. They're bored and disillusioned and often resort to 'suicide missions' - jobs in experimental…
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The Duplicated Man
Paul Danto was a member of a subversive political party which had an answer: make peace with Venus. But the only way to peace was…
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They Shall Have Stars
2018 AD. The time of the Cold Peace, worse even than the Cold War. The bureaucratic regimes that rule from Washington and Moscow are indistinguishable…
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A Life For The Stars
Science has come to humanity's rescue with two crucial discoveries - antigravity devices that enable whole cities to be lifted from the Earth to become…
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Earthman, Come Home
When the cities left Earth, they exchanged a simple environment for one of constant, sometimes shattering change. The Universe was littered with cultures in every…
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Black Easter
A gripping story about primal evil: a sinister intermingling of power, politics, modern theology, the dark forces of necromancy, and what proves, all too terribly,…
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The glowing ovoid plummeted downward, the whole sky screaming like a metallic banshee as the air boiled away from its sides. A supersonic bang broke…
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The Triumph of Time
When the scientists of the wandering planet, journeying through inter-galactic space, heard the sound of hydrogen atoms coming into existence out of nothing, they realized…
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The Day After Judgement
The events told in Black Easter have run their course. Now God is dead, and Satan has dominion over the earth . . .
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The Quincunx of Time
Travel at light speeds is common, and Earth - the first in the universe to discover it - now reigns over many worlds. But in…
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The Night Shapes
The continent lay before them, vast areas of it unexplored, its forests, plains, jungle and mountains teeming with forms of life unknown to modern man.…
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The Warriors of Day
Tipton Bond was a man who lived for challenges - and Earth had no more challenges for him. But on Xota: One of the giants'…
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Jack of Eagles
Danny Caiden is on the run - from the FBI, the SEC, the Justice Department and the Mob. Only recently, Danny was an average New…
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Titan’s Daughter
The tetraploids, giant men and women created by genetic experiment, only wanted to live their lives in peace, but they had to live in the…
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Midsummer Century
In the year 25,000 AD When John Martels returned to consciousness he found himself the Delphic Oracle of a world far different from the Twentieth…
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Welcome To Mars
Dolph Haertel had made history. An incredible anti-gravity discovery, made entirely through his own efforts, had put him miles ahead of the professionals in the…
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A Torrent of Faces
In the year 2794, the greatest civilisation in Earth's history, ravaged by over-population and lack of food, faces almost certain destruction. A handful of men…
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Fallen Star
If you were looking for a fallen star, would you go happily off to the North Pole and dig holes into the seas-bed, grubbing for…
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The Seedling Stars
You didn't make an Adapted Man with just a wave of the wand. It involved an elaborate constellation of techniques, known collectively as pantropy, that…