John Sladek
By the Author
John Sladek SF Gateway Omnibus
From the vaults of The SF Gateway, the most comprehensive digital library of classic SFF titles ever assembled, comes an ideal introduction to the razor-sharp…
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The Lunatics of Terra
A collection of John Sladek's hilarious SF satires, including: The Last of the Whaleburgers Great Mysteries Explained!Red Noise Guesting Absent Friends After Flaubert The Brass…
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Roderick At Random
Roderick wasn't exactly happy, but at least he was holding down a job, even if it was only as a bowl-washer at Danton's Doggie Dinette.…
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The Reproductive System
Wompler's Walking Babies once put Millford, Utah, on the map. But they aren't selling like they used to. In fact, they aren't selling at all…
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The Steam-Driven Boy
John Sladek's first short story collection. Sladek wrote some of the best science fiction stories of the 20th-century and his parodies of famous s/f authors…
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Keep The Giraffe Burning
John Sladek wrote some of the best science fiction stories of the 20th-century and his parodies of famous s/f authors are uproariously "right-on". His talent…
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Alien Accounts
John Sladek explains the theme of the darkly comic stories in this wonderful collection: "The aliens here are human. This book contains no giant flying…
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Maps is the definitive collection of John Sladek's uncollected work put together by his friend, fellow writer and critic David Langford who also provides an…
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Wholly Smokes
Wholly Smokes was the last book completed by one of the most original, brilliant and under-rated American writers of the 20th century. Like so many…
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'A Robot shall not injure a human being, or through inaction allow a human being to come to harm'. That's Asimov's celebrated First Law of…
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The Muller-Fokker Effect
This novel is about the first truly modern man. His name's Bob Shairp, and he gets completely turned into data and stored on computer tape.…
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Roderik is a robot and he's on the run in the USA of the very near future. He's on the run for having been illicitly…