SF Gateway wants YOU!
As noted last month, there have been some recent changes to how we highlight books on the SF Gateway home page. As you’ll have seen, our Author the Week feature is now Author of the Month, with a price promotion to go along with it. The other change is one that we’d like to enlist your help with . . .
It’s become obvious over the last year or so, from conversations on Twitter or on the forum, that we have an engaged and knowledgeable community forming around the SF Gateway. So, rather than have us putting forward our picks every week, we’d like to invite you to submit yours and enjoy 15 minutes of fame as a contributor to our brand new Readers’ Choice spotlight.
Just send us your chosen SF Gateway eBooks (you can download a searchable spreadsheet by clicking on the alternating panels on the Books landing page) by tweeting us at @SFGateway, emailing us at enquiries@sfgateway.com (with the Subject line: Readers’ Choice) or posting on the Forum or our Facebook page. Please include title, author and no more than 25 words describing the book (check out the current Readers’ Choice for an example), and your pick could be adorning the home page.
We’ll put the books up pretty much in the order in which we receive them, although we reserve the right to tweak that if it clashes with one of the other categories – and anyone sending in multiple books in quick succession should expect to have them spaced out so as to give everyone a fair opportunity. We’ll also be monitoring click-throughs, re-tweets, etc and the book that generates the most activity each month will win its suggester copies of that month’s SF Masterworks books.
Don’t be the last person in your social network to suggest a book. Contact us NOW!
All the cool kids are doing it. No, really. They are.
UPDATE: This is the 25-words-or-less example to follow: