We’re Baaaacckkk . . .
Related Categories: Housekeeping
Good day to you, sentient lifeforms everywhere. The SF Gateway is back, you’ll be pleased/shocked/indifferent to hear [delete as appropriate].
Although 2014 is already six days old, we’re going to move trough the gears at a sedate pace this week, with a view to being back at cruising speed next week. So there’ll be a light schedule of blog posts this week with normality resumed next week**.
One thing you might want to know, though, is that this will be the last week of the SF Gateway Xmas Sale. The digital elves are working overtime to re-set all of our prices and that should start to take effect this weekend – so if there’s something you’ve had your eye on, best buy it soon!
** Just as soon as we are sure what is normal anyway. Obviously.