Classic SF Anagrams

In what future SF historians will no doubt refer to, Spinal Tap-style, as ‘the saddest of all posts‘, we have decided to mark the last Friday of the first month of 2013 with a series of classic SF anagrams. All of the below are anagrams formed from Hugo Award-winning novels. Some are available from SF Gateway, some are not.

We hope you’ll enjoy* deciphering these anagrams, and maybe even feel moved to add a few of your own to the comments or to Twitter (please tweet us @SFGateway, using the hashtag #classicSFanagrams).  Without further ado, we present our work. And may God have mercy on our souls . . .

Mash the Demon! Die! Edit: Shame the Lid Demon
Wet near herd
Lo! Rude bats!
I can go dreams
Deranges me
Hone new quest
The ghost of no gin today

Some clues: One of the above is an SF Masterwork but not an SF Gateway eBook. One is an SF Gateway eBook but not a Masterwork. One is both an SF Masterwork and an SF Gateway eBook. Two are forthcoming SF Masterworks and SF Gateway eBooks. And three are not published by Gollancz or Gateway in any shape or form. And one final clue: two of the anagrams above are particularly appropriate . . .

Remember, they’re all Hugo winners. Good luck!




* The suspicion persists that we use the word ‘enjoy’ quite wrongly.