The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction: Images of London (and Others)
It should no longer come as a surprise to hear how clever the editors of the indispensable Encyclopedia of Science Fiction are. But if 4.3 million words of scholarship aren’t enough for you, the Prosecution offers Exhibit A: the automatically-generating Images of London Slideshow.
With the 2014 London Worldcon getting closer, we thought it would be fun to put together a slideshow of London cover-art images as a new feature of the SF Encyclopedia Picture Gallery – and here it is .
There are other slideshows coded as well: Balloons & Airships, Robots & Androids and The Solar System stand out to us, but you may well find your eyeballs tempted by other topics.
So, what are you still doing here? Go. Go explore the wonders of the SFE – and while you’re there, don’t forget to sample the hugely entertaining On This Day function – a perennial SF Gateway favourite.