Search Results for: psychosphere

Showing 1-2 of 2 results for psychosphere




Brian Lumley

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After Richard Garrison lost his sight in a terrorist explosion, he developed vast mental powers that more than compensated for his blindness. He mastered the Psychomech machine, then used it to conquer his enemies and restore his dead love to full and vibrant life. Psychomech also revealed to Garrison the Psychosphere, a startling reality where mental powers reigned supreme and could influence people and events on Earth.

Once he was nearly godlike – or demonic, if one dared become his enemy – but now Garrison’s mental abilities grow weaker with each use. He tries desperately to conserve his energies, but he has begun to have strange visions of a mind so different from his own as to be other human, and knows he must stay alert and strong.

Charon Gubwa has invaded the Psychosphere. Twisted and evil, sexually and mentally warped, physically corrupt, Gubwa’s desires are simple: More. More drugs. More sex. More power. More of the Earth under his dominion.

Richard Garrison must battle Gubwa in the Psychosphere and on Earth. And he must win, no matter the cost to himself or those he loves, or all mankind will be lost.



Brian Lumley

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Richard Garrison was once a corporal in the British Military Police, until a terrorist’s bomb destroyed his eyesight and his career. Repaying Garrison for saving his wife and child from the blast, millionaire industrialist Thomas Schroeder introduced him to the Psychomech, an amazing machine that could either gift its users with astonishing mental powers – or destroy them utterly.

Having successfully harnessed the Psychomech, Garrison discovered the Psychosphere, a strange plane of existence where mental abilities were all. Thought became intent, word became deed, and Garrison became unto a god.

Two decades later, Garrison is utilising his unique powers to explore the universe. On Earth, his son, Richard Stone, is happily in love, until his beloved falls victim to “The Gibbering”, a plague of madness that destroys men and women by destroying their minds. There is no obvious cause. There is no cure. There are no survivors.

When Richard Stone is himself infected by The Gibbering, the mental powers he inherited from his father enable him to defeat the madness, at least for a while. Then, to his horror, Stone discovers that the Psychomech has run amok and that The Gibbering is the result! Even though the insanity it creates batters his struggling mind, Stone realises he is the only man with the knowledge and power capable of destroying the berserker mind-machine.
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